Many people put added strain on their teeth resulting in severe pain and costly bills down the road. However, this can be avoided by resisting these three dreadful oral habits:
1. Chewing or sucking on hard foods can damage your teeth: Chewing on hard items such as ice, can weaken, chip, and break your teeth, which is why chewing on hard items is risky. Sucking on candy can also be dangerous because of the sugary sweets sticking to your teeth, weakening your enamel causing cavities and tooth decay.
2. Your teeth are not tools: We have all done it. Many people use their teeth to open things, pull things, or hold things. This can be harmful because your teeth were not meant to engage in that kind of action. These actions over time will cause chipping or fractures in your teeth and lead to serious damage and costly medical care.
3. Stop grinding your teeth at night: There are many reasons people grind their teeth. Stress is a common factor with many. However, this can wear your teeth down and cause jaw pain and costly damage. That is why it is always recommended to talk to your dentist about a night guard if you suffer from grinding your teeth.
By avoiding these three habits, you can keep your smile healthier longer. If you have questions about your smile, please feel free to call us at 817-294-5513 and make an appointment. Let us help you keep your smile healthy and strong your whole life long.