Soda is one of the most popular drinks in the country, but it’s also one of the most harmful. Aside from not being that great for your waistline, it also does a number on your oral health. Let’s look at a few of the impacts regular soda consumption can have on your teeth and why you should avoid it as much as possible.
Eats away your enamel
The enamel on your teeth is actually the hardest substance in the human body. It’s what protects your teeth against cavities, tooth decay, and a host of other problems.
The acids in soda erode that enamel, weakening the structure and health of your teeth. This is the number one reason you need to avoid regular soda consumption. A drink every now and then won’t destroy your enamel, but regular soda intake will. This is why we recommend taking every precaution available to avoid harm to your enamel.
Encourages plaque buildup
All the sugar present in soda doesn’t help with avoiding plaque buildup around your gums. If you drink a lot of soda and you’re not vigilant in brushing and flossing, you’ll end up with significantly more plaque built up than other people. This causes cavities and gingivitis, two issues you don’t want to deal with.
Your oral health impacts systemic health
The healthier your mouth is, the healthier the rest of your body will be. If you purposefully harm your oral health, by drinking too much soda, then you’re putting the rest of your systemic health at risk as well.
If you have any other questions regarding soda intake, or more tips for better oral health, call us today at 817-294-5513 for more information.