A Bad Filling Needs Timely Attention and Treatment

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Your dentist, Dr. Kevin M. Altieri, generally repairs small cavities using dental fillings. These are basically artificial materials like porcelain, amalgam, or composite resin that are not directly vulnerable to tooth decay. However, the bacteria living in your mouth can still affect these fillings over time. Poor oral hygiene habits bolster the bacterial presence in your mouth and can allow them to infiltrate the seam between the filling and the dental adhesive holding it to the surrounding tooth enamel.

Early detection of a filling going bad will greatly improve the treatment options Dr. Kevin M. Altieri recommends. With that in mind, there are a few warning signs and symptoms that might indicate that a filling is starting to go bad.

With a filling on the biting surface of the tooth, you might notice a sharp pain when biting down or chewing. If the filling is near your tongue, you might feel it develop an edge or a change in texture.

If the bacteria living in your mouth have worked their way between the filling and the healthy enamel of the tooth, there might be a light shade of gray in the nearby enamel. This could be a serious cause for concern as it could allow the decay to penetrate deep into the sensitive internal structures of the tooth.

If you suspect you have a bad filling in Fort Worth, Texas, you should call 817-294-5513 to have it examined and treated at Bellaire Dental Excellence.