A toothache or a feeling of pain and pressure in the gums is not something to be taken lightly. In almost all of these cases, it is the result of a tooth in significant distress. Â
Many of the toothache cases seen at Bellaire Dental Excellence are the result of untreated tooth decay. This is usually a sign that the bacterial decay has reached the pulp or root of the tooth. A feeling of pain or pressure in the gums might also be a sign that the decay has caused an abscess or dangerous infection in the root, socket, or gums.
To remedy this type of toothache, Dr. Kevin M. Altieri will need to directly treat the tooth. This might call for a root canal. In an extreme case, this might also call for tooth extraction.
If you suspect the toothache was caused by a recent oral trauma, it’s possible that the accident may have damaged the sensitive internal structures of the tooth or gums. If you have blood and debris in your mouth, you can rinse them away with lukewarm saltwater. If there is swelling in your lip or cheek, you can hold a cold compress to your face for 15 minutes at a time.
Rubbing a topical oral analgesic on the surrounding gums or holding a cold compress to your cheek might provide some temporary relief from pain. This can provide some pain relief while you await professional treatment at Bellaire Dental Excellence. Â
If you’re suffering from a toothache in Fort Worth, Texas, you should not delay in calling 817-294-5513 to seek timely treatment with Dr. Kevin M. Altieri.    Â