When Is Root Canal Therapy Most Effective?

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Although root canals are a highly advanced form of dental treatment, they are only used when all other options have been exhausted, and it simply must be done to save a tooth. Root canal therapies work by removing the pulp of a tooth that has been damaged beyond any hope of repair. Although the pulp is the life source of the tooth, sometimes it has to be removed if you wish to keep a tooth.

The pulp contains all the nerve endings, connective tissues and blood vessels of a tooth, and is removed when it is damaged to prevent infection from spreading in your body. Typically root canals are needed when a cavity has broken through the tooth’s enamel layer and allowed bacteria to enter, thus corrupting the pulp.

Pulp damage can also be caused by physical trauma to a tooth. Even microscopic cracks in teeth that are unseen by the naked eye can allow bacteria to seep into a tooth and damage it. With root canals, the bacteria and decay are cleaned away, and the tooth is sealed up to ensure it won’t end up requiring an extraction.

For additional help, Dr. Kevin M. Altieri and our team at Bellaire Dental Excellence are here to give you the smile you desire. If you would like to schedule an appointment to come see us at our dentist office in Fort Worth, Texas, please contact us at 817-294-5513 to speak with a member of our team. Save your teeth with root canal therapies.