Better Oral Health With PerioSciences®

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You come to the dentist for professional cleanings and other dental services. When your cleaning is done, your mouth is as clean as possible, and it feels good. But soon the day-to-day routines and challenges set in, and that like-new feeling leaves. What can you do between visits to maintain a pristine smile?

Great daily oral hygiene is key to having great oral health, and great oral health is a large factor in overall wellness. That is why we may recommend PerioSciences® products for a wide range of oral health issues. PerioSciences uses cutting-edge scientific research to develop top-of-the-line oral hygiene products for home use.

Much of any oral care regimen is focused on killing bacteria in the mouth, and a standard ingredient used in many products is alcohol. While alcohol does eliminate bacteria, it also dries the mouth, a condition in which bacteria thrive. Other products use hydrogen peroxide, which can cause oxidative stress. This condition can then lead to inflammation. So the very tools you are using to improve your oral health may actually be working against you.

PerioSciences products work differently. They use anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties in your saliva combined with natural ingredients to provide gentler and more effective results. They cover everything from dry mouth to sensitive teeth to nicotine-counteraction.

Whether you have special oral health considerations or just want to upgrade your oral hygiene routine, PerioSciences can help you achieve better oral health. To learn more about PerioSciences or any of dental services offered at Bellaire Dental Excellence, call our Fort Worth, TX, office today.