Our Bellaire Dental Excellence team in Fort Worth, Texas, along with Dr. Kevin M. Altieri are excited to wish you and your family a healthy Halloween. To help you accomplish this, we would like to share some tips from the American Dental Hygienists’ Association. You see, October isn’t just a time to kick off the holiday season with Halloween, it is also the National Dental Hygiene Month’s awareness campaign with their message of Do The Daily 4.
Do The Daily 4
#1 Brushing your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time lessens plaque to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
#2 Flossing in between your teeth and gums once a day–using dental floss or interdental brushes–to remove food particles and plaque in those places where your toothbrush can’t clean effectively.
#3 Rinsing with an ADA approved anti-microbial mouthwash once a day to freshen breath and prevent gum disease.
#4 Chewing sugarless gum to “clean” your teeth for those times you can’t brush after eating and drinking. Chewing stimulates saliva production which neutralizes plaque acids, remineralizes enamel, and washes away food particles.
To help your family make healthy choices, you can also try filling bowls with small oranges, tangerines or clementines decorated like jack-o-lanterns with non-toxic ink instead of candy.
But sweets aren’t the only way to celebrate the holiday. You can celebrate with non-sugary treats. Reward your children throughout the month with festive treats such as themed toothbrushes, pencils, erasers, stickers, temporary tattoos, glow sticks, play-doh, sticky spooky eyeballs and wiggly spider rings.
At Bellaire Dental Excellence in Fort Worth, Texas, Dr. Kevin M. Altieri and our dedicated team wish you and your loved ones a safe, healthy, happy Halloween! If you have any questions about your oral health or would like to schedule a visit, please call 817-294-5513 today.