To keep your smile in good shape, you should always look for new ways to improve your health care. Not only should you work on improving your oral health care every year, but you should work on improving your cleaning habits as well. In addition, always look for better foods to eat to improve your diet which can enhance your... read more »
Are you nervous that you have fallen victim to periodontal disease, which is also known as gum disease? If so, then you need to call Bellaire Dental Excellence and schedule an appointment. This is important because gum disease is a dangerous dental issue that can harm your smile, oral health, and entire body. So, make sure to schedule an appointment... read more »
We are aware to watch the foods we eat, but it is easy to forget about the beverages we are consuming. Counterintuitively, some liquids can actually dry out your mouth. Other beverages are acidic enough that they actually begin to wear away your tooth enamel. Here are a few to avoid as you try to take care of your smile.... read more »
Your overall quality of life can be significantly affected by cavities, gum disease, and other oral health conditions. To help prevent these things from befalling you the American Dental Association recommends having a routine dental exam administered by a dentist like Dr. Kevin M. Altieri twice each year. The first phase of the appointment consists of a thorough dental cleaning.... read more »
Your toothbrushing habit is great! Two times a day, for two minutes each time. Great job. Now let’s talk about how you take care of your toothbrush. Your toothbrushing is only effective if your toothbrush is clean! First, make sure you are storing your toothbrush properly. When you are done using your toothbrush, make sure you store it upright and... read more »
Tooth decay and gum disease are two major dental issues that can destroy your teeth, gums, smile, and oral health if you let them. In fact, tooth decay can erode the tooth enamel and create cavities, which can destroy your teeth, and gum disease can irritate and infect the gums as well as deteriorate the underlying bone, eventually resulting in... read more »
Mouth sores are no fun, but they aren’t all created equal. Some of the most common mouth sores are canker sores and cold sores. Do you know the difference? Cold sores, or fever blisters, are highly contagious. They come from the herpes 1 virus, and spreads through saliva or skin contact.  Once you have caught the virus, it lies dormant... read more »
When tooth enamel is chipped it can leave behind a microscopically textured surface capable of trapping plaque and other bacterial deposits. As this starts to happen the chances of a cavity forming in the distressed tooth increase significantly. With early detection, Dr. Kevin M. Altieri might be able to treat a tooth in this condition with a simple amalgam or... read more »
For those who have stained or yellowed teeth, Dr. Kevin M. Altieri may recommend teeth whitening in Fort Worth, Texas. However, it is important to note that not everyone is a candidate for teeth whitening. Before any whitening is treatment is performed, it is important that you consider certain factors. Age & Pregnancy Teeth whitening is not recommended for those... read more »
In order to know which oral products are best, look for the ADA Seal of Acceptance. The ADA Seal means that a product is safe and effective, and that it does what it promises. In 1930, new dental products were arising, as well as extravagant claims about what they could do. The American Dental Association (ADA) took it upon themselves... read more »