What Are the Damages That Oral Piercings Can Have on Your Smile?

Even though oral piercings are popular, that doesn’t mean they are safe. In fact, oral piercings in Fort Worth, Texas, are very damaging to your smile and oral health. There are many complications that can occur if you pierce your tongue, lips, and cheeks, and some of those complications are: -Infections: Because your mouth is filled with oral bacteria, there... read more »

Essential First Aid Tips for a Knocked Out Tooth

A series of periodontal ligaments anchors each of your teeth into the socket and holds them tight in your jaw bone. Unfortunately, there are instances when a blow to the face or an accidental fall can impact one of your teeth with enough force to sever the periodontal ligaments and knock the tooth out of the socket To best handle... read more »

Dental Veneers and Your Teeth

Did you know that Americans spend over a billion dollars a year—just on teeth whitening? If you’ve ever been embarrassed by the color of your smile, you probably understand why. Similarly, you probably know that whitening is an option, but do you know about the other cosmetic options you have? One versatile option available to you is dental veneers. As... read more »

How Tongue Scrapers Can Benefit Your Overall Health

Do you ever feel like something is missing in your oral hygiene routine? If so, there probably is! Tongue scraping is a beneficial technique that many people miss out on, which is why our Bellaire Dental Excellence team encourages you to take advantage of the benefits by scraping your tongue each day. Tongue scrapers in Fort Worth, Texas, can help... read more »

Better Oral Health With PerioSciences®

You come to the dentist for professional cleanings and other dental services. When your cleaning is done, your mouth is as clean as possible, and it feels good. But soon the day-to-day routines and challenges set in, and that like-new feeling leaves. What can you do between visits to maintain a pristine smile? Great daily oral hygiene is key to... read more »

Understanding the Treatment Strategy for TMJ Disorder

The temporomandibular joints that hinge your jaw are sophisticated ball and socket joints. They work together with ligaments and muscles in your jaw, thus allowing you to open your mouth, chew food, and speak. Pain, a dull ache or other problems in this area are more commonly referred to as TMJ disorder. Common symptoms of TMJ disorder often involve a... read more »

Why You Should Stop Biting Your Nails

What can you do about nail biting? Did you know that if you’re interested in breaking the nail biting habit can actually help you accomplish your goal? You see, if you spend money on something, you’re more likely to preserve it. Similarly, if you’re happy with how your nails look, you’ll probably be more eager to protect them. Finally, the... read more »

Acid Reflux and Your Smile

If you have acid reflux—or know someone who does—you probably know that it can lead to some unpleasant situations. As you probably know, one of the most common problems associated with acid reflux is heartburn—but did you know that acid reflux can also cause problems with your mouth? You see, with acid reflux, powerful acids in your stomach are pushed... read more »

3 Dreadful Oral Habits

Many people put added strain on their teeth resulting in severe pain and costly bills down the road. However, this can be avoided by resisting these three dreadful oral habits: 1. Chewing or sucking on hard foods can damage your teeth: Chewing on hard items such as ice, can weaken, chip, and break your teeth, which is why chewing on... read more »

Do You Know About Burning Mouth Syndrome?

If you’ve ever felt like your tongue is on fire, you could be dealing with burning mouth syndrome. You may have to deal with discomfort in the morning, all day, or sporadic pain. Burning mouth syndrome—also known as burning tongue syndrome—can cause a burning sensation in your gums, lips, throat, or mouth. Many patients also experience dry mouth, increased thirst,... read more »