Dental Falsehoods

It’s normal to get anxious about dental work. In fact, the Depart of Health and Human Services reported that 4.3 percent of Americans don’t go to the dentist because they are so afraid. Many of these fears tend to come from assumptions based upon myths society creates because there is so much uncertainty surrounding dentistry. In reality, there’s nothing to... read more »

The Same Old Grind: Helps For Those With Bruxism

Do you wake up with headaches? Is your jaw sore in the morning? Do your teeth hurt or even feel loose? Have you noticed wear on them? If you show these conditions, you may have bruxism, teeth grinding or clenching that often occurs at night. This can be caused by stress, sleep disorders, or even alcohol consumption. If left untreated,... read more »

Resolve For Better Dental Health

Visiting the dentist should be a priority in 2015 if you would like to maintain a beautiful, healthy smile. Every extra month that passes without a dental visit is a month that could be damaging your teeth and your wallet. Periodontal disease is a contributing factor in many other serious health diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, and high blood pressure... read more »

The Importance of Brushing

What happens when you skip brushing? It might not seem like a big deal if you fall asleep before brushing your teeth from time to time or if you sacrifice brushing your teeth in order to be on time for work in the morning. However, each time you don’t brush your teeth allows more plaque to build up on your... read more »

Paying Attention to Toothaches

“Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache.” – Mae West Is toothache causing physical pain in your life? The words of Mae West could have real life meaning if you are allowing oral pain to persist. By putting off a visit to the dentist, you could be adding stress to your life and letting the physical pain affect your... read more »

Why Most Toothpaste is Mint Flavor

Have you ever noticed anything while you were at the store shopping for toothpaste? Nearly every tube of toothpaste on the shelves is mint flavored. There are the traditional flavors such as peppermint, fresh mint, or spearmint. There are the new flavors such as Crest’s Mint Chocolate Trek, Vanilla Mint Spark, and Lime Spearmint Zest. The thing that all of... read more »