Over the course of an average day the natural bacteria in your mouth and the acidic foods and beverages you consume, can erode the integrity of your tooth enamel on a microscopic level. Left unchecked, this process of demineralization can leave you prone to tooth decay and sensitivity problems.
Fortunately, exposing your tooth enamel to the presence of fluoride helps to restore this microscopic mineral erosion. This process, known as remineralization can actually reverse sensitivity problems and prevent new areas of tooth decay from forming.
If you aren’t getting adequate fluoride exposure in your average day, Dr. Kevin M. Altieri might recommend a basic fluoride treatment and prescription fluoride supplements. Common fluoride supplements include sublingual tabs, gels, mouth rinse or a concentrated fluoride toothpaste.
You will need to take ingestible fluoride supplements at the prescribed times. If Dr. Kevin M. Altieri prescribe a concentrated fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash, you should brush or rinse with them right before going to sleep or at a time when you can refrain from eating or drinking for at least a half hour.
You can also help to strengthen your tooth enamel by making sure you’re using a brand of toothpaste with added fluoride.
If you are concerned about the strength of your tooth enamel, or you’re overdue for your next dental checkup, please call Dr. Kevin M. Altieri’s office in Fort Worth, Texas at 817-294-5513 to ask about a fluoride treatment.