The Reasons Behind the Importance of Dental Checkups

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Dr. Kevin M. Altieri and our dental team care about you and your smile, which is why we strongly encourage you to brush your teeth twice a day, floss your smile once a day, rinse your mouth daily, and attend your six month checkups.

But why do we encourage six month checkups? Well, our Bellaire Dental Excellence team is happy to tell you why! Your dental exam and cleaning in Fort Worth, Texas is vital for your oral health for many reasons. Three of those reasons are:

Reason No. 1: Your dental checkup involves a cleaning treatment that safely and effectively removes the plaque and tartar from your smile. This is vital because if those harmful particles don’t get removed, there is a high chance you could suffer from tooth decay and gum disease.

Reason No. 2: The examination involved is extremely beneficial because it helps you keep your smile in tip-top shape. The examination will involve taking a few X-rays and will also involve your dentist visually examining your entire oral cavity. This is a great chance to see if you have any dental issues. If you do, your dentist will discuss your treatment options with you so you can get them taken care of.

Reason No. 3: The fluoride treatment provided is very helpful. It strengthens and nourishes your teeth and gives them the ability to fight bacteria and harmful particles.

As you can see, your six month checkups help you in more ways than one, so please call our office today at 817-294-5513 to schedule your next cleaning and exam. For more information and details, don’t be afraid to ask our friendly dental team. We are more than happy to help you in any way we can, and we look forward to hearing from you!